As a young man in his early 20s, Cameron Foster considered how he might distinguish himself, how he might be exceptional. He set two goals. “After university, I wanted to be at a management-level position by 30,” he says. “And I had a salary expectation for myself, also by age 30.” He hit both at 26.
Scrupulous planning has been a hallmark of Cam’s life, but, by his own admission, a little bit of “right time, right place” played a part, as well. Following graduation from the prestigious St. George’s Senior School in 2009, Cam applied to UBC. Despite boasting an 88 percent average, he didn’t have the marks for admission. “I really didn’t know what I was going to do.” That’s when serendipity stepped to the plate.
Throughout his young life, Cam could do many things with great proficiency. Of all those things, the affable six-foot-seven athlete truly excelled at throwing a baseball. He started little league at seven. By 17, he was the ace on the mound for the legendary North Shore Twins of the Premier Baseball League, winning back-to-back Premier League titles.
The summer following high school graduation, he was playing for Team BC in a tournament in Oregon. Recruiters from a nearby community college saw him pitch. Right time; right place. “I was picked up by Mount Hood on the spot,” he recalls with a laugh. “I signed some papers, enrolled in classes, and, in two weeks, I was back down there for fall training.”
His second year at Mount Hood, he “blew out” his elbow. Rather that endure surgery and rehab, he hung up the mitt, transferred to the University of Oregon and eventually graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology.
“When I came back to Vancouver, it was my dad who suggested I join the TCC. He thought the opportunity to network would help build a career.” Cam’s dad, Marcus, has been a member at the Club since 2003. “I joined at 22,” Cam recalls. “At the time, I’m thinking: ‘I’m a little young for this.’ But I’m so thankful my dad suggested becoming a member. It’s been a big part of my life.”
Since graduating university, Cam has worked in real estate development with some of the Lower Mainland’s biggest players, including Concert Properties and the Wall Financial Corporation. Today, he works for the Aquilini Investment Group as the manager of their Homeowner Care department. His team oversees warranty claims, as well as many of the most significant issues related to the pre- and post-completion of real estate transactions. “I’ve been fortunate to have worked with so many accomplished companies,” he says. “I want to branch out in the industry – continue to learn and grow.”
Cam turns 30 this year, and looking back on the previous decade, he speaks eloquently of the symmetry between his life in sport in his life in work. “So much of what I learned on the baseball diamond or the rugby field or the hockey rink assisted my transition to a successful work life: leadership, team-building, hard work determination, overcoming adversity.”
On the subject of his relationship with Terminal City Club, like so many other members, he came for the gym and discovered so much more.
“I initially joined for the fitness facility. My dad knew the networking would be important, but I was 22 and I felt disconnected. I really thought I should just stay in my lane. But then, as I got a little older, I got involved in the wine tastings, networking events, the gala … the Club really opened up for me.”
Cam is no longer TCC’s youngest member. As he struts into his 30s, he feels he’s hit the sweet spot: “I’m getting older and the club is getting younger. How perfect is that?”