November 2021 Newsletter & President’s Letter

Read November 2021’s Terminal City Times here.

Dear Fellow Members,

I hope everyone is settling into fall. Given it’s November already, we’re nearing the end of the year, which also means my time as President is coming to a close. I’m proud of the work our Board has done so far, and of course the work done by all our staff to manage another year amidst restrictions and constant fluctuations to our business.

In case you haven’t heard the news, Terminal City Club has once again received Platinum Club of the World distinction for 2022/23. You should be proud to belong to one of the top city clubs in the world. Kudos to the team for another successful application! We’re proud to be listed as a top club since 2018.

You’ve probably noticed that our Grill renovation is underway. With the renovations going on upstairs, service is available at Cuvée, 1892 and the Members’ Lounge. We hope to have the reno done as quickly as possible so we can unveil our new restaurant and get back into the swing of things. We appreciate your patience throughout the facelift.

Events like our Book Club, TCC Salon, Lunch Exchange, and Discussion Group are continuing in-house at the Club. Given the recent changes to capacity limits province-wide, we hope we can start to see some larger banquets, weddings, and holiday parties return to the Club. If you have a client or friend you’d like to treat for a lunch or a meeting, I’d encourage you to reach out to our teams, or pop by.

Speaking of holidays, Santa will be in attendance at our Festive Family Dinner on December 5 and our Dickens Brunch – a Club favourite – on December 11 & 12. We also have holiday lunch and dinner buffets on offer; for more information, please see page 9. Be sure to get your reservations in early, as these events generally sell out. Depending on when you’re reading this, you’ll start to see the decorations going up in due time.

As Vancouverites, we know November can be a wet and grey month, which is even more reason to spend time indoors in our Fitness Centre. I hope everyone is keeping in shape, and making use of our gym, squash courts, and swimming pool. More information on lessons and personal training offerings can be found on pages 12 and 13. It never hurts to keep active.

Coming up around the corner is our Annual General Meeting. The AGM will take place on Monday, December 13 at 10 a.m. There will be a reception at the Club, as well as a live stream of the proceedings. More details will be provided to the membership throughout the month. If you have any questions you’d like answered, please email them to [email protected].

The next note you’ll see will be my last as President. Until then, I hope you can spend some time at your Club this month, whether that’s staying dry, entertaining, networking, or spending time with friends and family. Stay safe and take care of yourselves.


Stewart Marshall
Terminal City Club President

